
This week, it's the solstice. The true measure of the New Year as dictated by the planet. It marks the seasonal change, the longest and shortest and in their way it is celebrated by Aeroflux, Cantaloup, Contact, Martin Herzberg and Jeff Rosiana. I'm Jim Nye so let's ring in the new with a sound as clear as a clarion bell.

You've been listening to Aeroflux and 'Arrival'

Cantaloup with 'Jonathon falls into sleep'

Contact and 'Chillin'

"A Restless Stay" by Martin Herzberg

and Toronto's Jeff Rosiana closed with 'Dark Piano'

For more on this podcast including show notes, scripts and links to the artists as well as the band Idyllic, log on to with archives at support many of the artists you hear on Idyllic Music by buying a song or CD from them.

Look for all 3 Volumes of The Idyllic Music iMix. If you can't get enough Idyllic Music click the Chillinks tab for hours of streaming Trip Hop, Ambient, Jazz, Dub and Downtempo music.

Thanks for listening. I'm Jim Nye.
