One Hundred and Forty Nine

This week we'll look at beauty and terror as seen in the mythology of women. Stories though out history mostly told by men of power and tragedy, love and treachery featuring the likes of Aphrodite, Xi Shi, The Gorgon Medusa and goddess Kali. These tales are endlessly fascinating yet rarely illuminating of the lives of actual women. So we'll hear from six songs offering a modern twist to these myths. They come from Jen Gloeckner, First Rebirth, Zoe Leela, Swoon, A Beautiful Curse and Ruxpin. I'm Jim Nye.

We'll begin with Jen Gloeckner from her 'Mouth of Mars' CD. This is 'Pulse'

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From Russia Anton Chirtsov produces dark triphop as First Rebirth. Here is 'Last Runaway'

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Zoe.LeelA and 'Destroy She Says'

Look for her release 'Queendom Come' at

From Baden, Switzerland Elias Kohli records as Swoon. This is 'Crystal Night'

You'll find more Swoon at

Drummer Kenny James' latest project is A Beautiful Curse. This comes from his 'As It Should Be' release. It's 'A Lot Like Diamonds'

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From Iceland Jonas Thor Gudmundsson puts together ethereal beats as Ruxpin. 'You Look Lovely In This Spacesuit'

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Visit the Cornershop where you can help support many of the artists you hear on Idyllic Music by buying a song or CD from them.

And look for all 4 Volumes of The Idyllic Music iMix.

Thanks for listening. I'm Jim Nye.
