One Hundred and Fifty Eight

This week, we'll marvel at the plant world. Turning the sun's energy into life from nutrients in the soil and atmosphere is so fundamental to our existence that its hard to believe we would do anything to disrupt it. Taking us through the first Trophic level are Rho, Hands Upon Black Earth, Analog Fury, Sitchin, and Seth Master. I'm Jim Nye

We'll begin with a track from the NetLabel Coalition Volume 1
This is Minneapolis-based duo Rho 'And More Rain'

Hear more of their Electroacoustic sounds at

Bobby Cochran records with a coterie of vocalists as Hands upon Black Earth. This is 'Vinsandaan'

Find links to a variety of download sources at

This is Analog Fury with 'Lonely'

You can download this solitary track at

From Belgium Tom Sajdak is Sitchin poignantly asking 'What If'

Look to for more

Here is Seth Master's 'Botanique'

Check out much more of his work at

For more on this podcast including show notes, scripts and links to the artists, log on to with archives

at If you can't get enough Idyllic Music click the Chillinks tab for hours of streaming Trip Hop,

Ambient, Jazz, Dub and Downtempo music.

Thanks for listening. I'm Jim Nye.

