One Hundred Seventy

This week, we'll consider the contemplative life most often associated with religious devotion. On this episode of Idyllic Music we'll focus instead on the secular. The conscious decision to notice things. The little details of life that we often skip right past. We get help from Orange Crush, Natalie Walker, Motionfield, Vitamins for You, Text Adventure and Asaguare. I'm Jim Nye.

We'll begin in Norway with Orange Crush and 'Invocation'

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From her Urban Angel CD, Natalie Walker looks more closely at a failed relationship with 'Quicksand'

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Here is Motionfield and 'Indian Summer'

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We last heard from Winnipeg's vitamins for you back on episode 36. Here are the 'Six O'Clock Whispers'

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Text Adventure is David Roy and Steven Scott from Glasgow. From their Fantastic Disaster EP this is 'Kill Meow'

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We'll close with German producer B.O.Rasch recording as Asaguare. 'On My Island'

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Thanks for listening. I'm Jim Nye.
